How can I delete my data from URL Shortener Tool: Published on November 11, 2021

We care about your privacy! If you find something bad for you and want that data should be deleted, we will do it for you. Or even you want to delete your account on, please reach us. We will take care of the rest. Just please contact us via this form. We will get back to you in 72 hours.

If you would like to delete your all information from our platform, is also so easy! Just please go to your account settings page and there you will find the account deletion option. 

And if you delete your any post or data from then please go to your respective posts and right side you will see a dropdown-arrow. Just click there to delete your posts or any data. By these ways you can delete your personal information from our platform. If you wanna know more about your privacy then please visit this page:

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